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Medically assisted reproduction and recent progress in biotechnology have given way to multiple alternatives in the process of natural procreation. Within an imaginary realm, this prowess is reflected in the conception of oneself, the limits of the body, and of existence. These questions are very present in contemporary art and just as so on the Web. The attraction of a completely new life and the possibility of starting anew, participates in this propensity of creating a new identity for oneself on the Internet. The Internet, thus, becomes a space where the individual may perpetuate him/herself, outside of the human mortal condition. Many of the works focus on these questions, putting into evidence the illusionary character and limited technical development of these endeavors while casting a critical gaze on the tentatives at commercializing our desire for immortality.

Julie Méalin, Valérie Jodoin et Éric Mattson, Eugenie, 1998

virgil, Genochoice, 1999




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