Mongrel's strategy also consists of deploying devouring tactics to better expose the underlying, racial, nationalist and diversity fearing biases rampant in the info-sphere. In a vein similar to ®™ark's, they prey on the very discourses and power structures in order to better neutralize the beast. This involves appropriating the technologies of the beast by creating their own software and network tools, of which the Natural Selection Search Engine Search Engine is the most notorious. The aim behind Natural Selection, as stated in their official company statement, is " to identify and edit racist material stored on the Internet. Several power-user algorithms then change it into randomised prejudice-packed drivel." Natural Selection, in this sense, is a Cannibal On Line busy hybridising and mongrelizing those forces it seeks to neutralize through randomised absorption. Besides the software-based projects Mongrel also has a menu of in your interface artistic projects. A current project which caught my eye is entitled Save The Internet . If taken at face value, this e-intervention looks like a cunning plan devised by Darwinian, phrenology imbued, pure race(ists) to counter the hybridising, border munching, national frontier and heritage erosion potential of the Internet. The basic idea and 'bad science' behind this project is that the Internet is causing an exponential decline in the quality and health of national characteristics. "Save the Internet from the Relativism Enforcer Engram" flashes an applet. In order to contribute to this noble task you are asked to click on a spinning globe. This democratic action will then result in a vote that will "reinforce the national characteristics of the Internet." This exercise exposes the typical anthropoemic bias of much Western thinking about race and diversity through a sustained anthropophagic reversal and jumbling.