What all these approaches share, as do many other projects not mentioned here, is their perception that, at least for now, the Internet can still be a space where all is fair game, both in the ludic and hunting sense. Anthropophagy as a cultural and political strategy is premised on such fair game, openness and the relentless capacity to joyously embrace that, which is not one's own. It is also an ethos, an ethos of becoming even if it may not be so becoming to the powers that be.

Bernard Schütze in collaboration with Virginie Pringuet



Lévi-Strauss, C., Tristes Tropiques (1955), trans. John and Doreen Weightman (1974), London and New York: Penguin,

Stam, Robert, Tropical Multiculturalism, (1997), Durham and London: Duke University Press.



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