ANNOUNCEMENTS : changes of address, nominations...

Mrs. Shirley Thomson, who held the position of director of the National Gallery of Canada, has been appointed director of the Canada Arts Council.

Mr. Pierre Théberge, who held the position of director of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, has been appointed director of the National Gallery of Canada.

Luc Courchesne was awarded the ICC 97 Biennale grand prize in Tokyo for his work Landscape One, 1997. A description and a video on the work are available on the artist’s Web site.

After three years of renovations, the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center in New York reopened on October 26, 1997. With its 125 000 sq.ft. of interior and exterior exhibition space, the P.S.1 is one of the biggest contemporary art centres in the world. For its reopening, the artistic director, Alanna Heiss, who has been at the heart of this institution since its foundation which took place 21 years ago, has gathered the works of 180 artists.

Solo exhibitions:
Jack Smith, John Coplans, Jackie Winsor, Lynne Yamamoto, Martin Von Haselberg

Installations and projects:
Marina Abramovic, Vito Acconci, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Heike Baranowski, Bill Beirne, Mike Bidlo, Sylvie Blocher, Daniel Buren, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Dinos and Jake Chapman, Susan Cianciolo, Clegg and Guttmann, Willie Doherty, Lili Dujourie, Anna Gaskell, Douglas Gordon, Dan Graham, Georg Gudni, Ann Hamilton, David Hammons, Ilya Kabakov, Patrick Killoran, Julian Laverdiere, Matt Mullican, Antonio Muntadas, Hironori Murai, Bruce Nauman, Olaf Nicolai, Richard Nonas, Dennis Oppenheim, Eric Orr, Tony Oursler, Manfred Pernice, Lucio Pozzi, David Reed, Pipilotti Rist, Robert Ryman, Alan Saret, Julia Scher, Julian Schnabel, Barbara Schreiber, Richard Serra, Katharina Sieverding, Keith Sonnier, Sam Taylor-Wood, James Turrell, Merrill Wagner, Nari Ward, Lawrence Weiner, Rachel Whiteread, Robert Wogan, Chen Zhen, Andrea Zittel

Some Young New Yorkers
Seth Kelly, Jason Rosenberg, Sarah Sze, Clara Williams

Vertical Painting Show
Cecily Brown, Stephen Ellis, Madeleine Hatz, Mary Heilmann, Judith Hudson, Toby Kahn, Bill Komoski, Fabian Marcaccio, Carl Ostendarp, Laura Oewens, Cindy Poorbaugh, Rebecca Quaytman, Alexis Rockman, Lawre Stone

Heaven: Public View, Private View
Public View:
Douglas Blau, Marcel Broodthaers, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Dennis Hopper, Mabou Mines

Private View:
Franz Ackermann, Candida Alvarez, Ken Aptekar, Art Club 2000, Michel Auder, Mark Bain, Dennis Balk, Vanessa Beecroft, Lina Bertucci, Dawoud Bey, Dike Blair, Nayland Blake, Monica Bonvicini, Candice Breitz, Rise Cale, Vija Celmins, Chen Chih-Cheng, Taro Chiezo, Raphael Chipault, Andrea Clavadetscher and Eric Schumacher, Colette, Mat Collishaw, Didier Courbot, Richard Deacon, Anne Deleporte, Thomas Demand, Mark Dion, Jordan Doner, Juliane Duda, Jeanne Dunning, Olafur Eliasson, Rachel Feinstein, Olivier Ferrieux, Gunda Foerster, Coco Fusco, Patricia Garrido, Gaylen Gerber, Reiner Goerss, Liam Gillick, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Simon Grennan et Christopher Sperandio, Graham Gussin, Henrik Hakansson, Lyle Ashton Harris, Dana Hoey, Katrin Hoffert, Laura Howard, Jake, Vincent Johnson, Ronald Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Marin Kasimir, Mary Kelly, Joachim Koester, Jutta Koether, Ursula Kraft, Udomsak Krisinamis, Gerhard Lang, Kyung-Lim Lee, Glenn Ligon, Sharon Lockhart, Mark Lomardi, Ken Lum, Miltos Menetas, John Miller, Paul Mittleman, Mariko Mori, Matt Mullican, Paul Myoda, Maurizio Nannucci, Olaf Nicolai, Carsten Nicolai, Novaphorm, Orlan, Lucy Orta, Hirsch Perlman, Valeska Peschke, Raymond Pettibon, Elizabeth Peyton, Jack Pierson, Stephen Prina, Marie Puck, Pipilotti Rist, Sophie Ristelhueber, Mario Rizzi, David Robbins, Liisa Roberts, Alexis Rockman, Andrei Roiter, Aura Rosenberg, Allen Ruppersberg, Manuel Salvat, Sam Samore, Julia Scher, Bodo Schlack, Christoph Schlingensief, Pieter Schoolwerth, Collier Schorr, Laurie Simmons, Cindy Smith, Nedko Solakov, Georgina Starr, Chrysanne Stathacos, Rudolf Stingel, Christian Stock, Sabina Streeter, Brian Tolle, Mitja Tusek, Ritsko Uchida, Inez van Lamsweerde, Sergio Bega, David Webster, James Welling, Christopher Williams, Rob Wynne, Heimo Zobernig

Dakota Jackson, Tobias Rehberger

John Cale, Elliott Sharp, DJ Lo-ki and friends

The address of the center is:
P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center
22-25 Jackson Ave at 46th Ave
Long Island City, New York

Telephone: 718-482-2084
Fax: 718-482-9454

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