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No 33, May 2009 :
net as art
- Feature: Représenter l'information sur le Net :
de la mimésis à la prophétie, by Xavier MALBREIL (France);
- Interview: Stevan HARNAD, OPEN ACCESS Advocate
and Archivangelist, by Richard POYNDER (United Kingdom);
- Perspective: Lightning Rod : Second Front, Reemergence of the Happening, and the Integration of History,
by Patrick LICHTY (USA);
- Reviews of Web projects by Christophe BRUNO, Yoko HATA, Michael Takeo MAGRUDER, Will PAPPENHEIMER & Chipp JANSEN and Antoni MUNTADAS.
No 32, December 2008 :
- Feature: Creating Spaces: Net Art In The "Real World",
by Michelle KASPRZAK (Canada/United Kingdom);
- Reviews of Web projects by Tara BETHUNE LEAMEN, Michael DAINES, David 'jhave' JOHNSTON, Jillian MCDONALD, Michelle TERAN, Shawn BAILEY and Jennifer WILLET, Graham THOMSON, Joseph LEFÈVRE and Martine KOUTNOUYAN, Don SINCLAIR, Peter HORVATH, David CLARK et al.
(Canada, 2000-2008).
No 31, Fall 2008 :
Second Life Art
- Feature: Why Art in Virtual Worlds? e-Happenings, Relational Milieux & "Second Sculpture",
by Patrick LICHTY (USA);
- Perspective: Fred Forest dans Second Life,
by Fred FOREST (France);
- Reviews of Web projects by Alan SONDHEIM (USA/Second Life, 2008), Gazira BABELI (Second Life, 2008), Douglas GAYETON (USA/Second Life, 2007-ongoing), Eva et Franco MATTES aka 0100101110101101.ORG (Second Life, 2006) and Agnès de CAYEUX (France/Second Life, 2008).
No 30, Summer 2008 :
Nouvelle fiction (New Fiction)
- Feature: Mutations de la fiction, by Jean-Pierre BALPE (France);
- Perspective : Map Catalogues: J. R. CARPENTER's Web Projects (Canada, 1997-2007), by Patrick ELLIS (Canada/USA);
- Reviews of Web projects by Kate PULLINGER & Chris JOSEPH (Canada/United Kingdom, 2004-ongoing), Donna LEISHMAN (United Kingdom, 2004), Lucie de BOUTINY (France, 1997-2000), Sébastien CLICHE (Canada, 2005) and David CLARK (Canada, 2005).
No 29, Fall 2007 :
- Feature: Le net art peut-il sortir du Net ?, by Xavier MALBREIL (France);
- Review: Interactivity at the MCLEOD RESIDENCE, by Patrick ELLIS (Canada/USA);
- Reviews of Web projects by MTAA (M. RIVER & T. WHID) (USA, 2004), Annie ABRAHAMS, Clément CHARMET and PANOPLIE.ORG (France, 2007-2008), Olivier VANDERAA (Belgium, 2007), Thorsten KNAUB (United Kingdom/Spain, 2003-2007), SECOND FRONT (Second Life, 2006-ongoing) and Eva & Franco MATTES aka 0100101110101101.org (Second Life, 2007-ongoing).
No 28, Summer 2007 :
- Feature: Inhabited Places, Inhibited Spaces, by Alejandro ADAMS;
- Reviews of Web projects by Gazira BABELI (Italy/Second Life, 2007), David CLARK et al (Canada, 2006), David LYNCH (USA, 2002), Jerome OLIVIER (Japan, 2006) and Carlo ZANNI (Italy, 2006).
- Book Review: À la recherche d'un vocabulaire critique pour les arts numériques et la littérature informatique…, by Xavier MALBREIL;
No 27, Spring 2007 :
10th Anniversary Special
- Feature: NET ART V1+2.0. Genesis, figures, situations, by Jean-Paul FOURMENTRAUX;
- Review: Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1, by Patrick ELLIS;
- Reviews of Web projects by Grégory CHATONSKY (France, 2007), Alison CLIFFORD (United Kingdom, 2005), Peter HORVATH (Canada, 2006), Mario KLINGEMANN (Germany, 2005) and QOHTAIWOO (China, 2002).
No 26, Fall 2006 :
- Feature: Comme des pantins électroniques dans un théâtre d'ombres… ou la face cachée du net, by Xavier MALBREIL;
- Perspective: Une esthétique du tragique, by Jean-Pierre BALPE;
- Reviews of Web projects by Rachel ECHENBERG (Canada, 2006), Xavier MALBREIL and Gérard DALMON (France, 2000-2002), Johanna MARXER (Germany, 2005), Bernardo SCHIAVETTA (France, 1975-present) and Pall THAYER (Iceland, 2006).
No 25, Summer 2006 :
Paysages (Landscapes)
- Feature: Carlo Zanni ou le paysage du Novo Millennio, by Anne-Marie BOISVERT;
- Interview with Susan Collins, by Carlo ZANNI;
- Review: Manfred Mohr at the Bitforms Gallery, New York, by Patrick ELLIS;
- Reviews of Web projects by David 'jhave' JOHNSTON, Diane GROMALA and Jinsil SEO (Canada, 2006), Graham THOMSON (Canada, 2003), Joseph LEFÈVRE et Martine KOUTNOUYAN (Canada, 2003), Fred MAILLARD (France, 2002) and Don SINCLAIR (Canada, 2003).
No 24, Winter 2006 :
Hyperliterature IV: constraints
- Feature: Programming Constraint, by Evelyne BROUDOUX (Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin);
- Review: Colloque de Cerisy August 2005 : French Literary Production on the Internet, by Xavier MALBREIL;
- Reviews of Web projects by Geoff RYMAN (Canada-United Kingdom, 1996), Nick MONTFORT (USA, 2000), Neil HENNESSY (Canada, 2001), Éric SADIN (France, 2004), Jean-Pierre BALPE (France, 2005-2006) and Philippe de JONCKHEERE (France, 2000).
No 23, Fall 2005 :
b-i-o + a-r-t
- Feature: The Mutagenic Arts, by Adam ZARETSKY;
- Reviews of projects by BIOTEKNICA (Canada / Québec, 2000-present), NATURAL REALITY SUPERWEED KIT 1.0, by Heath BUNTING (United Kingdom, 1999), EMBRACING ANIMAL, by Kathy HIGH (USA, 2005), GFP BUNNY, by Eduardo KAC (Brazil / USA, 2000) and DISEMBODIED CUISINE, by the TISSUE CULTURE & ART PROJECT (Australia, 2003);
Artistic Resistance in the Age of Terror, by Shawn BAILEY.
No 22, Summer 2005 :
The Virtual City III : public space / private space
- Feature: Migration Toward the City of Bits;
- Spotlight: Civilities, by Agence TOPO (Quebec/Canada);
- Reviews of Web projects by David 'jhave' JOHNSTON (Canada), CATHBLEUE (France), Michelle TERAN (Canada), Michael MANDIBERG (USA) and David CRAWFORD (USA);
- Video Interview: About etay, with David 'jhave' JOHNSTON and Adam ZARETSKY.
No 21, Winter 2005 :
The Virtual City II: the political
- Feature: Web Art and the political: Creating Links;
- Spotlight: The File Room, by Antoni MUNTADAS (United States);
- Reviews of Web projects by Molleindustria (Italy), Newsgaming.com (Uruguay), Josh ON (United States), Randall M. PACKER (United States) and Andrey VELIKANOV (Russia).
No 20, Fall 2004 :
Special Biennale de Montréal 2004 : the virtual city Curator: Anne-Marie Boisvert
- Reviews of Web projects by Agricola de COLOGNE (Germany), Olga KISSELEVA (Russia/France), Bruno LATOUR, Émilie HERMANT and Patricia REED (France), STANZA (United Kingdom) and Riccardo ZANARDELLI (Italy);
- Interview with Blaise Galland;
No 19, Summer 2004 :
The Aleatory
- Interview with Golan LEVIN;
- Reviews of Web projects by Olivier AUBER (France), Tom BETTS and Joe GILMORE (United Kingdom), Alexandre GHERBAN (France), Patricia RYDZOK and Pedro VITORINO (France) and v.n.a.t.r.c. (France).
No 18, Winter 2004 :
Mutations and Monsters
- Feature: Webmonsters;
- Interview with Yucef MEHRI;
- Review: FCMM 2003: moments and chosen works;
- Reviews of Web projects by Julien DEMEUZOIS and Karen LE NINAN (France), David ‘jhave’ JOHNSTON (Canada), Markus KRÄMER (Netherlands), Motomichi NAKAMURA (USA) and Marina ZURKOW (USA).
No 17, Fall 2003 :
Hyperliterature III: the text at play
- Feature: the text at play;
- Spotlight: e-lit: an overview;
- Interviews with Terri FORD and Erik LOYER;
- Reviews of Web projects by Ariana-Sophia KARSONIS, Julie POTVIN & Philippe GULLY, Gregory CHATONSKY, Trevor DODGE, W. Bradford PALEY, Terri FORD & Erik LOYER.
No 16, Fall 2002 :
Special Biennale de Montréal 2002
Curator: Anne-Marie Boisvert
- Reviews of Web projects by Anonymous (Nino RODRIGUEZ), Tara BETHUNE-LEAMEN, Michael DAINES, Frédéric DURIEU, Jhave (David JOHNSTON), Wolf KAHLEN, LIA, Jillian MCDONALD, Brooke SINGER, Carlo ZANNI, a.k.a. beta;
No 15, Summer 2002 :
Sound Explorations
- Feature: CHANCE AND NECESSITY: About Sound-Based Web Works;
- Interview: Mark AMERIKA;
- Reviews of Web projects by Reynald DROUHIN, Nancy TOBIN, Glorious Ninth (Kate SOUTHWORTH, Patrick SIMONS), Lab(au) (Manuel ABENDROTH, Jerome DECOCK, Alexandre PLENNEVAUX), Jean-Luc LAMARQUE, Hidekazu MINAMI, Yucef MERHI, Émilie PITOISET, Martin WATTENBERG, [the user] (Thomas MCINTOSH and Emmanuel MADAN);
- Spotlight: Crossfade; Review: BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA.
No 14, October 2001 :
Special on Web art in Quebec
- Feature: A look at Web art in Quebec : fifteen works by Quebec artists commented and put into perspective in the short history of the Web;
- Perspective: The Spectacle of the Machine;
- Interviews: Richard Barbeau and Katherine Liberovskaya, links to previous interviews with Quebec artists published in previous issues;
- Spotlight: Electronic Magazines in Quebec: Theory and Practice of the Web;
- Links to all the texts on Web and new media art in Quebec published in previous editions of the Magazine;
- Links to all the reviews on Web and new media art events in Quebec published in previous editions of the Magazine.
No 13, July 2001 :
Hyperliterature II : the Cybertext
- Feature: The Cybertext;
- Interview: Steve CANNON;
- Spotlight: The Book after the Book;
- Reviews of Web projects by Steve CANNON, Arcangel CONSTANTINI, Lisa HUTTON, JODI, Vannina MAESTRI in Poézie 2000, Talan MEMMOT, MEZ, MOUCHETTE, Mark NAPIER, Netochka NEZVANOVA;
- Review of Mutek 2001.
No 12, January 2001 :
Special Central and Eastern Europe
- Feature: The Ground for NET.ART in the Former Eastern Block (Central and Eastern Europe);
- Perspective: Behind the Cyrillic Curtain : Notes on Internet Art and Culture in Russia;
- Interviews: Olia Lialina and Igor Stromajer, Krassimir Terziev;
- Spotlight: Media Art: The Hungarian Model;
- Reviews of Web works by APSOLUTNO, Vuk COSIC, Petko DOURMANA, Tiia JOHANNSON & Raivo KELOMEES, Olia LIALINA, Calin MAN, Slobodan MILADINOV, Alexei SHULGIN & Natalie BOOKCHIN, Igor STROMAJER, Teo SPILLER;
- Review of Symposium ISEA 2000.
No 11, June 2000 :
Special Web 3D
- Feature: Beyond six degrees of freedom;
- Perspective: The New Medium of Interactive Virtual Worlds ;
- Interviews: Daniel Dion, Victoria Vesna;
- Spotlight: Online / In situ / On air;
- Reviews of Web projects by Zoe BELOFF, Daniel DION et Brad TODD, Mary FLANAGAN, Oliver HOCKENHULL, Sheryl KOOTENHAYOO, Louise LAWLER, David LILLEY, Nancy PATERSON, David TOMAS, Marek WALCZAK;
- Review of colloquiun Rhétorique des nouvelles écritures.
No 10, March 2000 :
- Feature: Create=Destroy;
- Perspective: Cannibals on line;
- Interviews: Auriea Harvey; Sheila Urbanoski; Granular Synthesis;
- Spotlight: entropy8zuper;
- Reviews of Web projects by: Rachel BAKER, Maurice BENAYOUN, Natalie BOOKCHIN & Alexei SHULGIN, Heath BUNTING, Claude CLOSKY, Janet COHEN, Keith FRANK & Jon IPPOLITO, Christina GOESTL, Valérie LAMONTAGNE, Olia LIALINA, Sabine MAI;
- Review of Maid in Cyberspace organized by Studio XX.
No 9, December 1999 :
Hyperliterature I : the Hypertext
- Feature: Electronic Literature;
- Perspective: text and langage in Web art;
- Interview with Zoe Leoudaki;
- Spotlight of a Website: Museum of Jurassic Technology;
- Reviews of Web projects by Mark AMERIKA, Richard BARBEAU, Vera FRENKEL, Isabelle HAYEUR, Mario HERGUETA, Juliet Ann MARTIN, Melinda RACKHAM, Julia SCHER, Teo SPILLER, Joseph SQUIER;
- Reviews of media art events: Media Lounge at the FCMM, Cartographies, États généraux de l'écriture interactive, Rendez-vous...sur les bancs publics, Fixions.
No 8, September 1999 :
Women on the Web
- Feature: Women on the Web;
- Perspective: Une nouvelle identité: The New You;
- Interview with Alicia Felberbaum;
- Spotlight: Bill Vorn and Louis-Philippe Demers;
- Reviews of Web projects by Annie ABRAHAMS, Natalie BOOKCHIN, Heath BUNTING and Olia LIALINA, Alicia FELBERBAUM, Tina LAPORTA, Debra SOLOMON, AE (Gisèle TRUDEL, Stéphane CLAUDE and Florian WÜST), Victoria VESNA, virgil.
No 7, June 1999 :
- Feature: Electronic Art in England;
- Perspective: Intimacy and Interactivity;
- Interview with Frédérick BELZILE;
- Spotlight: Nirvanet;
- Reviews of Web projects by Anne BAKER, Dr. Will CLAYTON and Julian BAKER, Pierre GINER, Beverly HOOD,
- Brighid LOWE, Kristin LUCAS, Mark NAPIER, Simon POPE, Colin GREEN and Matthew FULLER, Melinda RACKAM, Alexei SHULGIN, Nell TENHAAF.
No 6, December 1998 :
- Maid in Cyberspace-Encore!;
- Spotlight: Snarg;
- Interviews with Ian CARR-HARRIS, Steve REINKE;
- Reviews on Web projects by DOYON/DEMERS, Ferlanc., Greg GARVEY, Rory HAMILTON, Michel LEFEBVRE and Eva QUINTAS, Zoe LEOUDAKI, Erwin REDL, Igor STROMAJER, Helen THORINGTON, Marianne PETIT and John NEILSON, Stephen TURBEK.
No 5, May 1998 :
- Web Art in Québec;
- Reviews of Web projects by David BICKERSTAFF, Matthijs DE BRUIJNE, Frédérick BELZILE, Reynald DROUHIN, Nicolas FRESPECH, Pierre GINER, Garnet HERTZ, Pascale MALATERRE, Julie MÉALIN, Valérie JODOIN and Éric MATTSON, John F. SIMON JR.
No 4, February - March 1998 :
- Art and New Technologies in Montréal. On the Occasion of the opening of Technoboro;
- Spotlight: Sensorium;
- Interview with Gary HILL;
- Interview with Rosa MARTINEZ;
- Reviews of Web projects by Konrad BECKER, Thiago BOUD'HORS, Heath BUNTING, Alicia FELBERBAUM, GROUP Z, Antoine MOREAU, Julie MYERS, Olia LIALINA, Edward POITRAS, Kathryn SCHMITT.
No 3, December 1997 - January 1998 :
- The New Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao;
- Spotlight: The Banff Centre for the Arts;
- Interview with Masashi OGURA and Yoshio SHIRAKAWA;
- Reviews of Web projects by Antoni ABAD, Maurice BENAYOUN, Vuk COSIC, CRITICAL ART ENSEMBLE, GROUP Z, Alfredo JAAR, JODI, James ROVEN, TECHNOSPHERE, Horacio ZABALA.
No 2, November 1997 :
- The 5th Istanbul Biennale;
No 1, September 1997 :
- DOCUMENTA X in Kassel;
- Reviews of Web projects by Laurie ANDERSON, COLLECTIF ad319, Scott BECKER, Christin BOLEWSKI and Thorsten HOVEN, Gérard COLLIN-THIÉBAUT, Susan HILLER, Jenny HOLZER.