Nous soulignons l’importance de marquer la JOURNÉE INTERNATIONALE DES FEMMES qui s’est tenue hier. Il reste encore du chemin à faire pour atteindre l’égalité entre femme et homme et nous voulons l’atteindre ensemble à travers le monde. Notre sortie de publication, le mercredi, nous a empêché de marquer cette journée le jour où elle se tenait. En retour, nous croyons que tous les jours devraient être des journées internationales des femmes.



  1. L’ouverture de La Biennale de Québecla Manif d’art, un événement que nous appuyons sincèrement pour la qualité des interventions qu’il intègre dans la ville et dans les lieux professionnels des arts visuels et numériques.
  2. Le triomphe de Sylvain Émard pour sa chorégraphie Rhapsodie : un moment d’extase dansé par vingt danseurs et danseuses. Un moment d’émotion, de rythme, de courses folles et de ralentis intimes; des moments de pure folie et d’autres de pure introspection. On a senti dans la salle que tous les spectateurs et les spectatrices participaient au spectacle, faisaient corps avec les danseurs et les danseuses, s’identifiaient à leurs émotions et les suivaient intensément dans leurs mouvements. Un spectacle incroyable, une réussite majestueuse. Rappelons en terminant que Rhapsodie est une coproduction de Sylvain Émard Danse et de Danse Danse, développée avec le soutien du Fonds national de création du Centre national des Arts du Canada.
  3. Autres triomphes pour les artistes Monique Régimbald Zeiber et Jocelyn Robert qui se sont mérités les Prix des arts visuels et des arts numériques de la Gouverneure générale du Canada en collaboration avec le Conseil des Arts du Canada. Toutes nos félicitations à ces deux artistes exceptionnels.
  4. Vera Frenkel, artiste émérite du Canada, nous a fait parvenir une belle appréciation de notre projet Cartographie des Automatistes à Montréal de 1939 à 1955. Nous la partageons avec vous. Merci chère Vera pour ton chaleureux appui à notre projet.

    Sur ce projet, vous trouverez ci-joints les liens pour la Fiche et le Balado sur l’École du meuble de Montréal. Bonne lecture et bonne audition.


Lettre d’appréciation de Vera Frenkel

Hello Claude,

Thank you so much for the news of this important publication, and for your evocative and moving description of the 10 du 2660 rue Jeanne-Mance atelier. What warmed my heart was your description of the atmosphere in the atelier, the kinds of exchanges that took place between artists, dancers (when Françoise was still focused on choreography), poets and philosophers, and how it generated the desire to create an Automatistes manifesto.

Your text brings to mind the hope for just such a milieu which is hoped for in the historic building that houses the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in Kingston, in the context of « Agnes Reimagined« , an architectural rebirth, where an artists’ residence is envisaged in which the kinds of fertile exchanges you describe can be encouraged. I’m sending a copy of your email to Jan Allen the former AEAC director with whom I recently discussed these plans, and to art historian and curator Sylvie Lacerte, who is my confidante in all such matters:

The Atelier Leduc is a remarkable example; may the crazy world we live in permit realisation of plans that it inspires.

Bravo, Claude, on your whole project!! It really is a labour of love.

Warmest regards,


P.S. (I can’t help wondering whether the Jeanne-Mance building was still standing when I was a student at the École des Beaux-Arts.)

March 8 – International Women’s Day – ALLELUJAH!

We emphasize the importance of International Women’s Day which was yesterday. There is still a long way to go to achieve equality between women and men and we want to achieve it together all around the world. We are one day late for it but we believe that every day should be an International Women’s Day.


Many important events happened last week

  1. The opening of La Biennale de Québecla Manif d’art, an event that we support for the quality of its content well integrated it the public and professional spaces of visual and digital arts.
  2. The triumph of Sylvain Émard for his choreography Rhapsodie: an ecstatic moment danced by 20 dancers. A moment of emotion and rhythm with crazy runs and intimate slowdowns. Moments of pure madness and others of pure introspection. We felt in the room the involvement of the spectators, how they were relating to the dancer’s feelings and following their movements. It was an incredible show. Rhapsodie is a coproduction between Sylvain Émard Danse and Danse Danse, développed with the support of the Fonds national de création du Centre national des Arts du Canada.
  3. Monique Régimbald Zeiber and Jocelyn Robert received the Prix des arts visuels et des arts numériques from the Governor-General of Canada with the collaboration of the Canada Council for the Arts. Congratulations to the two artists.
  4. Vera Frenkel, Canadian Artist, sent us a support letter for our project Mapping the Automatists in Montreal from 1939 to 1955. We will share it with you. Thank you dear Vera for your support.

    About that project, you can see the file and the podcast on L’École du Meuble. Good reading and listening.


Vera Frenkel’s letter

Hello Claude,

Thank you so much for the news of this important publication, and for your evocative and moving description of the 10 du 2660 rue Jeanne-Mance atelier. What warmed my heart was your description of the atmosphere in the atelier, the kinds of exchanges that took place between artists, dancers (when Françoise was still focused on choreography), poets and philosophers, and how it generated the desire to create an Automatistes manifesto.

Your text brings to mind the hope for just such a milieu which is hoped for in the historic building that houses the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in Kingston, in the context of « Agnes Reimagined« , an architectural rebirth, where an artists’ residence is envisaged in which the kinds of fertile exchanges you describe can be encouraged. I’m sending a copy of your email to Jan Allen the former AEAC director with whom I recently discussed these plans, and to art historian and curator Sylvie Lacerte, who is my confidante in all such matters:

The Atelier Leduc is a remarkable example; may the crazy world we live in permit realisation of plans that it inspires.

Bravo, Claude, on your whole project!! It really is a labour of love.

Warmest regards,


P.S. (I can’t help wondering whether the Jeanne-Mance building was still standing when I was a student at the École des Beaux-Arts.)

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