12 octobre 2021
Le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York présente, depuis lundi dernier, le 11 octobre, une importante exposition intitulée SURREALISM BEYOND BORDERS. Une exposition visant à témoigner du surréalisme à travers le monde. Cette esthétique, cette pensée, cette façon de comprendre la vie ont effectivement touché des artistes et des écrivains actifs dans plusieurs pays dont le Québec. Françoise Sullivan participe à cette exposition en présentant quatre photos de l’improvisation spontanée, Danse dans la neige, qu’elle a exécutée en févier 1948 chez Jean Paul Riopelle à Otterburn Park. Les photos ont été prises par Maurice Perron. |
Françoise Sullivan, devant Danse dans la neige, au Metropolitan Museum, New York. |
Les directeurs des musées où l’exposition est présentée, Max Hollein du MET Musem, et Frances Morris, de la Tate Modern, écrivent dans leur lettre d’invitation à Françoise Sullivan : |
« While the exhibition aims to cast both a deep and wide view of the topic, as well as to include many examples of underrepresented artists, it will be grounded by a central core of shared themes. One of these is automatism, the practice of mark-making perhaps most associated with Surrealism and with a special legacy among Les Automatistes in Montréal. In the context of our presentation your practice has particular significance and poignancy. Your extraordinary Danse dans la neige, documented by Maurice Perron, represents a different dimension, as it extends the legacy of automatism into a lyrical, movement-based practice that transforms the mark of the hand into one created by the movement of the body. While your discussions about the specific choice of images continue with the curators, we are confident that including your work in the exhibition will help to reveal the connections of Surrealism and performance, and its particular resonance for mid-century practices. » |
L’exposition est le résultat du travail de la conservatrice Stephanie D’Alessandro du MET Museum et du conservateur Matthew Gale de la Tate Modern à Londres. Un travail immense qu’il convient de souligner. Nous en profitons pour présenter toutes nos félicitations à Françoise Sullivan pour son inclusion dans cette exposition. |
Photo de g. à d. : Stephanie D’Alessandro, Françoise Sullivan, |
L’exposition sera présentée au MET Museum jusqu’au 30 janvier 2022. Elle ira par la suite à la TATE Modern, à Londres. |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York presents, since last Monday, October 11th, a major exhibition named SURREALISM BEYOND BORDERS. An exhibition about the surrealist movement all over the world. This esthetic, this way of thinking, this way to understand life touched many artists and writers from many places, including Quebec. Françoise Sullivan participate to this exhibition by presenting four pictures of her spontaneous improvisation, Danse dans la neige, which she did in February 1948 at Jean Paul Riopelle’s home in Otterburn Park. The pictures had been taken by Maurice Perron.
Françoise Sullivan, in front of Danse dans la neige, Metropolitan Museum, New York. |
The directors of the museums, at the MET, Max Hollein and at the Tate Modern, Frances Morris, have written to Françoise Sullivan in their invitation letter: |
« While the exhibition aims to cast both a deep and wide view of the topic, as well as to include many examples of underrepresented artists, it will be grounded by a central core of shared themes. One of these is automatism, the practice of mark-making perhaps most associated with Surrealism and with a special legacy among Les Automatistes in Montréal. In the context of our presentation your practice has particular significance and poignancy. Your extraordinary Danse dans la neige, documented by Maurice Perron, represents a different dimension, as it extends the legacy of automatism into a lyrical, movement-based practice that transforms the mark of the hand into one created by the movement of the body. While your discussions about the specific choice of images continue with the curators, we are confident that including your work in the exhibition will help to reveal the connections of Surrealism and performance, and its particular resonance for mid-century practices. » |
This exhibition is the result of the work of the curator Stephanie DAlessandro from the MET Museum in New York and the curator Matthew Gale from the Tate Modern in London UK. An immense work worth to point out. We also congratulate Françoise Sullivan for her inclusion in the exhibition. |
Picture from left to right: Stephanie D’Alessandro, Leonard A. Lauder Curator in Charge of the Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art, Françoise Sullivan, Sheena Wagstaff, Chairman of the Modern and Contemporary Art Department at the MET. |
The exhibition will be presented at the MET Museum until January 30th, 2022, then will travel to the Tate Modern in London UK. |